24 Feb The Origins of Us
Rubicon teamed up with the BBC to film some skating for an upcoming documentary. Geoff reports:
“After an epic stay in a very swish hotel suite, me, Phil Parker, Nicky Howells and Dave Snaddon were on set… at 8am on a Monday morning! Filming with the BBC a project based around the evolution of man with a focus on our development of skill. The programme is called “The Origins of Us,” and I think it’s showing in September on BBC2. 12 hours later and countless tricks and slams later, the day was wrapped up. Pretty intense but a nice change to some of the more typical jobs we get. Part of the day involved finding out if we would take more risk, or have more success, with our tricks when there’s a crowd about. Hence the BBC brings in a few lovely ladies to sit in the park where we were skating. Thank you BBC. A fun day in the big smoke!”
The skateboard section made up a big chunk of this episode and was on national tv as well as BBC iPlayer for a long time. You can still watch our clip “The effect of attractive women on skateboarders” over here, as well as read more about the entire episode and science behind it here.
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